Australia's Leading Locomotive Magazine

(61) 0417 876 969   

Issue 123 off to the printers

Issue 123 ourMay 2019 issue has been completed and is currently with our printers. We have updated our website to reflect the availability of issue 123 PDF. If you are considering a subscription or renewing, please do so by 20 May to ensure you make our mailing list which will be handed over to our printers and hopefully will be posted next Friday 24 May 2019.   Thanks The Team...

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Issue 121 January 2019 off to the printers

Issue 121 our 2018 Year In Review pictorial issue has been completed and is currently with our printers. We have updated our website to reflect the availability of issue 121 PDF. If you are considering a subscription or renewing, please do so by 17 January to ensure you make our mailing list which will be handed over to our printers and hopefully will be posted next Friday (25 January)  ...

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Download issues

Thanks for checking our new site out and placing orders. As this is a brand new site, we are seeing a few errors pop up with download links. We are resolving them as we find them. For the time being, please contact us and we will send a manual link to the PDF you require.   Thanks for your patience.

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PDF subscription

This is an update on PDF only subscriptions.    We are aware of a demand for this product. We are investigating ways we can introduce this into our new website. . Please be patient as we refine our systems. It is on our agenda for later this year.    

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Motive Power price increase

This is to inform our readers that as of the September/ October 2018 issue we will be raising the price permanently as follows:   regular cover price will be $12.95 for Aus residents.  The primary reason for this is to allow us to produce at least 2 enlarged issues per 12 month cycle. We currently do our year in review in February, which runs at 116 pages, but feel the...

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Subscription services restored

This is an update on our subscription service.  Late last year we took the necessary step to stop taking subscriptions or renewals due to ongoing problems with distribution and the lack of support from Australia Post. We deemed it necessary at the time. However a lot has changed in the past few months. We changed printers in March and was able to go with a printer who handled the whole...

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New site launched

Welcome to the new Motive Power website.  We have rebuilt the site from scratch, and streamlined the processes for buying subscriptions, eMags and back issues online.  We hope you like the new site and would appreciate your feedback.

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